Building? Read This.
In this series, the New Home Build Series, I will dive deeply into all the things you at least need to think about when building a new home, or even buying a resale home. This is a long read. I hope you take away some good ideas.
We’ve been through one new build home, and several previous moves into older homes. Overall it was a good experience and we are very pleased with our new home. I had the luxury to go to the build every day and managed to catch a few things that would have ended up being annoyances. Since we have moved in there are a number of things we have found that we would want to change in our next new build which will probably be a full custom home. After reading this list maybe you can plan a little better and catch some little issues in your new build before they become permanent annoyances.
All of your work as the buyer happens before the excavation begins. It should be mostly done before you have a contract finalized. Once you have a final price and start the build there is little you can change without a lot of extra cost.
Keep reading through the different parts of this series, and good luck with your build and move!