Conversion Calculators Distance KM: Miles: Conversion Factors 1 mile = 1.6 km Fuel Qty Litres: US Gallons: Imp Gallons: Conversion Factors 1 US Gallon = 3.765 litres 1 Imperial Gallon = 4.546 litres Mileage Litres/100km: MPG (US Gallons): MPG (Imp Gallons): Conversion Factors See Distance and Fuel Qty Factors Power Horse Power (HP): Kilowatt (kW): Conversion Factors 1 kW = 1.34102 HP Spring Rate Pound-Inches (lb/in): Newton Metres (Nm): Kilograms / Millimeter (kg/mm): Conversion Factors 1 lb/In = 0.017895 kg/mm 1 lb/In = 0.11298 Nm Torque Pound-Feet (lb/ft): Newton Metres (Nm): Conversion Factors 1 Lb/Ft = 1.35575 Nm Temperature Celcius (C): Farenheit (F): Kelvin (K): Conversion Factors F= (C*1.8)+32 K = C + 273.15 Check out all the calculators: